Local Currency Exchange and transfers for individuals
With Paymasters, you can buy your Travel Money in one of our bureau de change outlets in Nigeria. Change currencies from Naira to Dollars, Euros, Pounds, SA Rand and Vice-Versa. We provide the best price for your money at consistently the best rates through our bureau de change outlets.
Paymasters offers international money transfers at great rates. Whether you're importing a car, Emigrating, purchasing of goods, sending relatives money or simply seeking a one off money transfer.
Transfers for businesses: Importing and Exporting.
We offer a range of products to cover all your currency needs. So whether your business requires a competitive rate for an immediate transaction or a long-term contract for the purchase or sale of currency, Paymasters will provide a tailor made service to fit your needs.
Paymasters can save you time and money on your currency transfer if you export overseas. We can provide you with the most competitive currency exchange rates and deliver fast, seamless international transfers.
By using Paymasters for your business transfers, we provide a fast, efficient, safe and secure service, protect you from currency fluctuation and ultimately save you money.